Salam Ramadhan..hehe.nk story ckit nih..semalam ak de pg hiking kat Broga Hill join venture ngn COC (civil outdoor club) kampus ak..lebey 20 org yg pegi..2 org lecturer pengiring..ak x knal pn lecturer tuh..sorg tuh ustaz..mak ii..xley ganas2 nih..kne sopan ckit huhu..awal2 lg abg Mat (prez COC) bgtau kiteorg kne bwk 3 btol air mineral 1.5 liter sb kat atas xder air nk wat kencing(eh maap.buang air kecik) ngan wat stiap org kne bwk sume tuh..mkann agi..time mmg rupe ak dah mcm benggali r..dgn beg yg separuh height ak..haha.nsib bek si Ketot (Afiq) tlg bwk kan beg hiking,ak bwk beg die..beg die kcik ckit..huhu..
perghhh..mmg lazat la xpdc nih..unforgettable..ari sabtu tgh hari tu,we all bertolak ke semenyih,selangor..ting tang tung,lebey kurang kul 4 we all smpai kat kaki bukit 1st,ak sndri cuak..pkok klape sawit je keliling..pastu seberang jln,de ladang usagi(arnab dlm bhs jepun)..apakah??Broga kah ini??Dah la kat ctu ade lak 2 ekor apek tgh jual durian."Ha!mali adik.beli dulian!dulian bagus ni."..ak ckp lagi..Broga ke ni?mcm x ensem je tmpt nih..upe2 nye abg2 COC tu ckp Broga kat ats..400m dr paras laut..ak time 2 wat bodo jer..aiseyman rendah je tu..mne x nye.skali pndang mcm ladang sawit kt kg ak..konon nye la..haha..lepas solat asar jemaah,kiteorg bertolak..
Lepas 3o minit,peluh dah satu lori..bile nak smpai nih??mmbe2 ak dah pancit..farah dah semput.deqzu nak pitam..smpai org len kne bwk bagasi die..cha ngn azwa da tertinggal kt balakng..perghh..seksa bru hiking..time ni la bru nk amik iktibar mcm mne Nabi Muhammad SAW ngn para sahabat berperang wktu bln pose..haii..x tercapai dek akal ku..nk dijadikan cite plak,de lg sekor apek kapiau jual air klape kt tgh hutan belantara tuh..wahhh..lg berasap akuh..mmbe laki ak kate,"ak rse mcm nak baling bom je apek nih".mne x nye,siap pelawa kiteorg bli air klape,suh kongsi rmai2..ak rse mcm nak sagat je kpale apek tuh..siot punye apek..
x smpai lg half gunung,ak plak pancit gaban..siap termuntah lg.x sengaja xpe kan..x batal pose..huh..ak rehat jap.time tu mcm2 kat pale otak ak..klu ikutkan ati,ak rse cm nk golek2 kan diri ak smpai ke bwh trus..pastu balik nk wat cmne,nme nye adventure..nak x nak,ak kne truskan last,dlm kul 6 lebey gtu2 rr,we all smpai kat satu area flat land..ak pandang blakang,masya allah..subhanallah..sgt cantik..unbeleivable!ish ak eja pun dah x btol.unbelievable!ak ingat dah smpai..hepi bkn main..skali abg sayed kate,"ehh..mne smpai lagi..nuh kat atas tu ha tmpatnye"..ak pandang kat bukit yg die tunjuk tuh..curam die approximately 90 degree..wajib merangkak @ menonggeng bile naik...huh????mmg mati katak ak...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Love Story
1st Love Story: Secondary School ![](
As I sat there in English class, I stared at the boy next to me. He was so called my "best friend".I stared at his half long and tied, wavy hair, and wished he was mine.But he didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, he walked up to me and asked me for the notes he had missed the day before and handed them to him. He said "thanks" and gave me a flying kiss. I wanted to tell him,I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why..
2nd Love Story: University
The phone rang. On the other end, it was him. He was in mess, mumbling on and on about how his love had broke his heart. He asked me to come over because he didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to him on the sofa, I stared at his soft eyes, wishing he was mine. But he didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After 2 hours, one Naruto movie, and three bags of chips, he decided to go to sleep. He looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a flying kiss. I wanted to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why...
3rd Love Story : The end of the Year
The day before prom he walked to my desk. "My date is sick,"he said; she's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and not long time ago, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing beside his car. I stared at him as he smiled at me and stared at me with his brown eyes. I want him to be mine, but he isn't think of me like that, and I knew it. Then he said "I had the best time,thanks!" and gave me a flying kiss. I wanted to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy,and I don't know why..
4th Love Story : Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as his perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get his diploma. I wanted him to be mine, but he didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, he came to me in his smock and hat, and whispering something that I can't hear clearly as I hugged him. Then he lifted his head from my shoulder and said,"you are my best friends,thanks..don't miss me too much.." and gave me a flying kiss as he walked away. I wanted to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why..
5th Love Story: A few Years Later
Now I'm standing in front of the mosque. That boy is getting married now. I watched him, marrying another woman. I wanted him to be mine, but he didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. But before he drove away, he came to me and and said "you came!" He said "thanks" and gave me a flying kiss like always. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why..
End of Love Story: Funeral
Years passed. I looked down at the grave of a boy who used to be my "best friend". At that moment, a woman came to me and gave me a diary entry that my "best friend" had wrote in his secondary school years."This is for you..Khumaira".She said that and walked away.I opened the diary with shaking hands... "I stare at her wishing she was mine, but she doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why..I wish she would hold my hand and say, don't go far away from me because I need you-Hamza Zafri Noah"..'I wish I did too'..I thought to myself, and I cried..
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
World's Greatest Creation
salam la die..try r test tengok..hasil ciptaan mereka2 yg genius..mmg weird giler..umah telur tu yg paling comel..agak2,besar mne ek telur tu? pd ak yg paling seram adelah kat Marina Bay, yg ak tgk ngan mate kepala ak sendiri..tmpat len,no komen sb ak x pnah jejak agi..bapak glemer building..ntah bpe million kos dier..ak x hingat..nak masuk pn,x mampu..tgk dr luar sudah la..dollars are expensive!..tour guide kat ctu kate dlm bulding yg bentuk kapal tu mcm2 ader..yg paling femes skali bese r..kasino..tmpat yg xley blah,infinity swimming pool dier..yg korang tgk gmba kolam kat atas ni..serius..bagi free pn ak xnak..just imagine..berenang kat tempat yg btol2 xde la teknologi kejuruteraan yg die org wat..ak mls nk cite lebey,tkut korang x paham..bwh bangunan2..tinggi 55 tingkat..mak ai..tercabut bulu roma ak tgk tmpat tuh..tgk je pun ble buat ak gayat..xder rr ak nk berenang kat ctu..pd sesape penggemar tmpat eksotik & membunuh mcm swimming pool tu jemputlah visit singapore..haha..eceh..mcm tour guide la plak..ok.chau!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Pedoman di Bulan Ramadhan
Syaikh Salim bin Ied Al-Hilaaly Syaikh Ali Hasan Abdul HamidKemudian keduanya membawaku ketika itu aku melihat orang-orang yg digantung dgn kaki diatas mulut mereka rusak/robek darah mengalir dari mulut mereka.Aku bertanya “Siapakah mereka?” Keduanya menjawab “Mereka adalah orang-orang yg berbuka sebelum halal puasa mereka.Dari Abu Umamah Al-Bahili Radhiyallahu ‘anhu ia berkata : Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah Shalallahu’alaihi Wassallam bersabda :“Ketika aku tidur datanglah dua orang pria kemudian memegang dhabaya membawaku ke satu gunung yg kasar keduanya berkata “Naik.”Aku katakan “Aku tidak mampu.”Keduanya berkata “Kami akan memudahkanmu.”Akupun naik hingga sampai ke puncak gunung ketika itulah aku mendengar suara yg keras.
anime on me
perghhh..penat ak download cite anime nih..lmbat benor..naruto anime bwu smpai episode 172..manga bru smpai episode 505..punye syok layan,tgk2 dah pagi..pegi klas mata dah mcm panda..stakat nih ak download cte anime yg nsem2 jer..huhu..bebudak ni g tgk midnight movie..apekebenda ntah tjuk leonardo dicaprio yg brlakon..ak xde mood nk layan cinema la wat waktu nih..kikiki..novel terbitan ak mls lagi nak post..biar r dlu..segan la.hihi..
ari2 test..ari2 klas ganti..bile bule topap tdo nih..
perghh..sakit otak pas jwb ecg 433..ak stdy len,kuar yg len..apakah??pasrah je la..klas ganti dah stu hal..ak bwu plan nak blik umah..tup2 de klas,tukar plan..huuh..abih klas,blah..ak ngidam nak maklum la duit ptptn bru week bwu balik umah..hehe..sebut psal umah,nk celebrate poce ngn family la konon nye..bonus nye,nk skodeng jiran baru sebelah umah..sume jejaka + blum berpunyer..cikgu praktikal..haha..happening nih..hihihi..alamak..tiket raye x beli lagi..
Sunday, August 1, 2010
visitSingapore 2010
famous landmark in Singapore..
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Terjah Wayang
New Upcoming Movies 2010
Once upon the time...
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